Friday, June 20, 2008

Aught 8

Well, it's Friday night and I'm wiped out.
Between working on a chalkboard I am making, and getting caught up in the movie Spanglish (which was just as good the second time) I have no idea what I am going to write about.

It'll be all but impossible for me to say anything about the current election cycle that hasn't already been said. Despite this, I can't help constantly thinking how amazing this year has been. I mean, the two top candidates(for the Democrats) are a young black man and a woman. That, in and of itself, is amazing and nothing short of revolutionary in American politics. For some reason the media seems to have largely ignored this fact, as if we are such a progressive and open-minded society that, well hell, black people and women are president all the time. Never in my wildest dreams would I have guessed the outcome of these primaries, especially after the non-choice of the 2004 election, a.k.a. "which old white dud is right for you?"(and, no, that's not a typo-i meant dud, not dude). What a nightmarishly low point in American politics. Although maybe that makes sense-perhaps the nation had to get to such a low point to set the stage for this type of change.
And, despite my general lack of faith in the U.S. government's ability/desire to change anything, I actually like Barack. Not just in the "heyJohnKerryyousuck-assbutatleastyou'renotaBush" kinda' way, but with real respect and hope that he will at least think a little bit about solving the problems of this country if he becomes president.
My biggest fear, and pre-election prediction, is that despite all the progressive posturing, the all-too prevalent attitude of, "There ain't no way some black boy is gonna' run MY country!" will win out in the end.

Sorry America, but I see yet another crusty old white dude in your future.
I really-REALLY hope this isn't the case, but-sorry folks-after the past 7 1/2 years my faith in the American people firmly rests somewhere between "nonexistent" and "is there anything less existent than nonexistent?".

But, for my wife and daughters-and my own sanity-I still have hope.

On a lighter note, ROCK ON FRIDAY NIGHT!
See ya' later playa' haters!

tim g

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