Friday, August 29, 2008

Musical History.

All too often our parents, great as they may be, fail to impart on us one of the most important aspects of life-their humanness. In an attempt to show us the right way to live, they often hide (or outright lie) about their past-they act as if they never skipped school or stayed out too late with a new significant other or even drank a freaking beer. It paints an unrealistic picture of our folks as unfailing gods, and it robs us youngsters of learning from the one thing kids can't have -experience. That's why it is so important for me to impart upon my girls that their Dad was once young, and that I did have a life before them-a life filled with joy and pain, success and (many)failures, love and loss.
I've wanted to write a journal just for my daughters, but I've just never been inspired enough to do it. Then, last night, I participated in a market research survey in which we listened to and rated 600 song snippets-running the gamut from the Ramones to Led Zepplin. That got me thinking-what better way to give a little insight into who I was in my youth than make a mix of some of the greatest songs I grew up with, along with liner notes. So, in the next few days, I'll share with all of you the mix-tape journal I'm making for the girls.
I've never used any online mixes-like Muxtape, but that's probably how I'll post the songs for your listening pleasure.

1 comment:

jessica said...

this is a fantastic idea. i'll be anticipating each entry.